The Net Gain Approach to Local Plans – The NPPF Hooks
- Para 32 seeks simultaneous progress against economic, social and environmental objectives;
- Para 91(c) describes approach to healthy lifestyles by identifying needs and improving provision;
- Para 97 (d) requires that open spaces losses should be replaced by ‘equivalent or better’ provision;
- Para 102(d) requires a net gain approach to the environmental impacts of traffic and transport infrastructure;
- Para 110(a) requires development to “give priority first to pedestrian and cycle” movements both within a scheme and with neighbouring areas, meaning that a net improvement to walking and cycling in a neighbourhood should be a reasonable expected outcome of a development;
- Para 118(a) identifies the potential for land to fulfil multiple uses at the same time (multi-functionality);
- Para 141 requires local authorities to plan positively for the beneficial use of their Green Belt;
- Paras 157 and 160 demand a net improvement to flood risk as a result of new development;
- Paras 170(d) and 174 identify the role of ecological networks and require biodiversity net gain;
- Para 171 demands the “enhancement of natural capital at catchment or landscape scale across authority boundaries”